Saturday, August 11, 2007

What a case of "Bed Head"!!

Well, the last little Carolina Wrens have left the nest. This is the family raised in my lantana pot, severely hindering the lantana growth and blooming because of all the digging around the parents did and because I had to be so careful and chintzy with the watering so as not to waterlog the nest. I was probably too careful - the nest was probably much better armored than I guessed. The first picture shows pretty much naked little babies and just a couple of days later they had the funky "bed-head" look with feathers and the down sticking up so wildly as it was being replaced from below with the feathers. The babies were just about eye level to me and looked as though they had a bad case of the morning-after syndrome. The pictures just don't do justice - it's a cheap camera and I'm no photographer! The down just looks like a blur in the picture, but it was really spiky.

I've been trying to keep up with reading blogs even though I haven't had time to post. Everybody seems busy and doing all sorts of wonderful things. I was blessed by attending the annual retreat for the teachers (and now Board) of our Christian school, which was incredibly wonderful. Then had a pretty stressful end-of-month at the medical office where I work. The heat is really getting to folks (95 - 103 each day), so tempers flare easily and you feel tired and drained even when you haven't done much. ( Sure makes me appreciate air conditioning, though!) Then Thursday evening, Evan and I were part of a group of folks from our local theatre group who performed some short skits for the annual Pasta Premier, which is a fund-raiser for the local Museum. The Museum is housed in the old Borden Milk plant, so even though air conditioning has been added, it was pretty hot backstage and onstage. (Yes, the stage was added SINCE the days of milk processing - when parts of the building were being somewhat renovated to enhance its functionality for the community.) In addition to the rooms with museum displays, there is the small theatre-type area, a tiny kitchen, a good lobby, and a very pretty little courtyard. Lots of weddings and wedding receptions are held at the Museum. Our theatre group has put on numerous plays there, also, inlcuding dinner theatre and dessert theatre.

Oops - I'm out of time! SOOOOO many chores are calling to me!! I hope you all have a wonderful weekend!

1 comment:

Oscar1986 said...

interesting views, good read. If you get a chance check out my strange newz blog:)love any comments feedback