(inventory of old rake-like shelf in the stairway: tiny metal pitcher from my mother's childhood tea set, cute little dish of unknown (to me, at least) purpose, tiny brass container with lid - probably for pills?, one my grandmother's pretty fans that doesn't at all show up well in this picture, bird's nest, old chalkware rabbit, enamelled metal purse, handmade diary from big dinner and overnight party my grandmother went to as a teenager in 1915, shoes and sock from my mother's girlhood, metal hanger from a craft show, another enamelled purse)
Cloudy, rainy, chilly . . . but it's still going to be a great day! Beth and I are heading to Nashville shortly - we have tickets for the matinee of Riverdance!! The production is on its farewell tour, so we wanted to see it one last time. While the basics are the same, each production has some different things, and they're all fantastic! We're going kind of early so we can do some other things. One big item on our agenda is to scope out the course of the marathon she's going to run in April - find the best route to the drop-off point for the runners, various spots to go to be able to cheer them on during the race and best place to park for picking them up after the race. The starting and stopping points are somewhere in the neighborhood of the Titans stadium, and I just haven't navigated down there since it's been there - never having funds for tickets, why would I? It's down on the river and there are lots of little one way streets and suchlike, so we thought it would be good to do some preliminary checking.Blessings: finally finishing up with W-2's and 1099's and property taxes and such, new during-the-week Bible study started that will be challenging but very good, sweet husband who doesn't care if I go gallivanting for the day instead of cleaning house, beloved daughter to go gallivanting with