Monday, January 5, 2009

I got a lovely and unexpected present from Mel! I feel as though we're old friends because of one of those interesting connections you sometimes come across - she and Don moved to Michigan for his job with a plant that other friends of mine went there to build. (Janet, who worked at the same doctors' office I do for a number of years, lived in the UP for several years and she and her family moved there because hubby Joe worked for a huge construction company that sent him there to build a particular plant. Janet talked a lot about how beautiful it was up there and how friendly everyone was and just generally how much they loved it. When I first found Mel's blog and saw that she was in the UP, I felt an immediate connection . . . and then found out there really WAS a connection! Just one of life's serendipities . . .) It's a covered planner! She made the quilted-of-course cover and stamped the cards (and chickadees are probably my favorite birds!) and wrapped it all up in gingham tissue! Isn't that just the greatest thing? I was having a fuzzy picture day but wanted to show the special tissue. I think another picture is a little better . . .

The planner is a really nice one with Bible verses and short little inspirational writings, places for tracking prayer requests and answers, and Mel even wrote in little quilty thoughts here and there throughout the year! Inside the cover she even made little pockets for pens and highlighters!

An altogether lovely surprise when I was in the midst of closing out a month for 1 corporation, a calendar year for 2 corporations, and fiscal year for 1 of the corporations!! Thank you, Melanie!

1 comment:

Melanie said...

I'm glad you like it.... you deserve it.Have fun---Mel